Preferred Name

Logan Dasher

Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Educational Specialist (EdS)


Department of Graduate Psychology

Second Advisor

Deborah Kipps-Vaughn

Third Advisor

Molly Bowman


This study intended to address the topic of mental health and help-seeking behaviors in college-aged children of a parent with a mental health condition. For this study a locally developed survey was administered on three different days with six different sessions that participants were able to sign up for. Participants were all volunteers from a preexisting subject pool at one southeastern public university who received course credit for participating. In total, 34 college-aged children signed up and completed the entirety of the survey. From their response, descriptive statistics and frequency analysis were run and open-ended qualitative questions were explored for themes. The researcher found themes such as speaking to trusted person, journaling, exercise, therapy, and music. These themes may be able to guide the supports provided to students of all ages.

Keywords: mental health, help-seeking behaviors, college-aged children



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