Preferred Name

Emily L. Wagener

Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Educational Specialist (EdS)


Department of Graduate Psychology

Second Advisor

Renee Staton


Rates of eating disorders and sub-clinical disordered eating continue to rise each year, with higher rates seen among athletes than non-athletes (Curry, 2010). Fueled Athletes is a group-style intervention for collegiate student-athletes that uses Emotionally Focused Therapy to help group members identify and transform emotions that contribute to poor body image and disordered eating behaviors. The mission of Fueled Athletes is to create a program that addresses eating problems and body image disturbances experienced by student-athletes by creating a safe space, building a support network which will lead to decreasing rates of ED / DE within the student-athlete population. Future research on the efficacy of group interventions with collegiate student-athletes experiencing poor body image and sub-clinical disordered eating is needed to guide future treatment protocols. With rates of disordered eating and body image concerns on the rise, counselors must demonstrate readiness and competency in working with niche populations, including collegiate student athletes, to address body image and eating concerns effectively. Implementing group interventions tailored to this demographic can enhance the relevance and applicability of treatments, potentially reducing the long-term prevalence of these issues within college athletics.



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