Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Educational Specialist (EdS)


Department of Graduate Psychology

Second Advisor

Timothy Schulte


The elderly population continues to rapidly increase in the United States, leading to a significant need for mental health care among older adults. While older adults experience significant role changes, increased potential for physical and cognitive limitations, and heightened social isolation, all of which contribute to an increased psychiatric need, very few counselors are specially trained to provide adequate geriatric treatment. This is especially true in rural populations, where accessibility limitations are often more significant and mental health professionals are few and far between. This project provides a brief review of the literature regarding these various considerations, challenges, and areas for improvement in the gerontological counseling realm. In addition, a review of evidence-based treatment modalities for common needs found among the older population are discussed. Keywords: elderly, older adults, role changes, physical and cognitive limitations, social isolation, geriatric treatment, accessibility limitations, gerontological counseling, evidence-based treatment

Available for download on Sunday, April 05, 2026
