Senior Honors Projects, 2020-current


Date of Graduation




Degree Name

Bachelor of Music (BM)


School of Music

Second Advisor

Nikos Myrogiannis Koukos

Third Advisor

John Peterson


This paper documents my process of arranging, teaching, and conducting the Cypriot folk song, Αχερόμπασμαν (Aherombasman) to JMU’s Treble Chamber Choir. I am Cypriot-American and I wanted to create an accessible arrangement of a Cypriot folk tune in order to introduce the musical culture and language of Cyprus to a Western audience. The first section of this paper provides a brief history of the cultural and political influences on Cyprus, and an introduction to common practices in the Cypriot folk tradition. The second section details the process of transcribing the original tune from Alkinoos Ioannides’ arrangement, creating the final arrangement and documents from every stage. The third section of this paper includes a link to teaching videos and journal entries from each day I taught. These entries include lesson notes and reflections. The last section includes the final performance video, my conducting score and reflections about the final performance. This paper serves as a collection of all of the materials necessary for my final performance.



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