Senior Honors Projects, 2020-current

The effects of race and level of vaccine hesitancy on perceptions of mothers

Callie E. Bingen


Contrary to the common belief that vaccine-hesitant parents are under-educated, privileged White, upper-class groups make up a large portion of the anti-vaccination movement (McNutt et al., 2015). Privileged groups have more access to education and resources than many others in the country, including racial minorities. The present study aims to discover how race impacts perceptions of vaccine hesitant mothers. Participants will read about a White or Black new mother considering vaccinations with manipulated levels of vaccine hesitancy. We predict that Black mothers will receive more pushback for vaccine hesitancy compared to White and nonhesitant mothers. Studying how race impacts pushback experienced by mothers may show that healthcare providers must address the role of privilege when combatting vaccine hesitancy.