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The presentation emphasizes the growing importance of electromagnetic survivability and compatibility. Operation Desert Storm demonstrated the clear military advantage provided by sophisticated electronic weapon and communication systems. In addition, the offensive tactic of taking out the enemy's eyes and ears during the air war paid off, giving our military decisive air superiority. The lessons for the future are clear. High-tech electronics now so dominates the battlefield that the outcome of future conflicts could well be decided by electronics attrition rather than human casualties. Our Desert Storm experience thus accentuates the importance of guaranteeing that our electronic systems will not be disabled either deliberately or accidentally by electromagnetic environmental effects. Factors which pose implementation challenges and problems are addressed. The increasing use of commercial equipment in military applications will require that commercial and military standards be integrated to some degree. While many technical questions will need to be resolved, the major challenges are associated with organization and process given the large number of technical disciplines and organizations involved in electromagnetic effects issues. The presentation concludes by proposing a top-level solution path. Recognizing the growing importance of electronics survivability, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (J6) has requested and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition has tasked the development of Combined Battlefield Environmental Effects (CBEE).

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