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JMU Libraries has partnered with the Furious Flower Poetry Center to preserve and provide public access to the decennial Furious Flower Conference recordings. These video recordings feature prominent black poets who participated in the 1994, 2004, and 2014 conferences and will include footage from the upcoming 2024 conference. In support of this work, our team integrated ArchivesSpace, Preservica, and Aviary to steward, curate, and preserve the collection. The integration, which requires cross-departmental collaboration, allows us to harmonize metadata with ArchivesSpace as the system of record. As with all projects of this scope, our team has encountered numerous obstacles yet in the face of these we have developed creative solutions. This poster will explore the ArchivesSpace-Preservica-Aviary integration, our digital curation workflow, and the challenges we have faced thus far. Our work is part of the 4.5-year Flowerings Project Phase II grant awarded to James Madison University from the Mellon Foundation.

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