"IMAS Levels of EOD & IEDD Qualifications" by Drew Prater


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Explosive hazards have caused more than 238,000 civilian casualties over the past decade, which only increases the need for these hazards to be cleared.[1] Clearance takes time, thoroughness, and personnel properly trained and qualified to detect, identify, render safe, and/or dispose of these deadly devices. The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) were written to provide basic standards for not only explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) and improvised explosive device disposal (IEDD) operations, but also the required training competencies for each level of both disciplines. The different levels delineate the competencies and responsibilities, while allowing for additional subjects as an agency may see fit.

[1] “Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas,” OCHA, https://bit.ly/3GZjjW8.

prater.pdf (1042 kB)
508-IMAS Levels of EOD & IEDD Qualifications



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