Preferred Name

Marie E. Johnson

Date of Graduation

Summer 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Department of Graduate Psychology


Elena Savina


The classroom is a rich emotional environment where both students and teachers experience a wide range of emotions. Emotions influence all aspects of learning including attention, motivation, interest, memory, creativity, and social interactions. While negative emotions generally impede learning, the experience of positive emotions leads to improved outcomes for both teachers and students. Thus, the ability to regulate emotions is a very critical skill for both teachers and students. Teachers must be equipped with the necessary skills to manage their own emotions as well as emotional incidents in the classroom; however, few teacher preparation programs provide the knowledge and skills to navigate the emotional nature of the classroom environment. To meet this need, a social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum for pre-service teachers was developed to provide future teachers 1) with the skills needed to teach emotion regulation to students, and 2) the underlying emotional competence needed to meet the emotional demands of the classroom. The curriculum is intended for implementation as part of an existing teacher education course or as a seminar for pre-service teachers in their last year of schooling.



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