Preferred Name

Lisa Akers


Date of Graduation

Summer 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Strategic Leadership Studies


Margaret F. Sloan

Karen A. Ford

Jon Thompson

Tamera Eberly


Provisions for perinatal care are an integral part of quality healthcare and are increasingly moving to the forefront of quality care measures in the healthcare setting (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012; National Quality Forum, 2012; & The Joint Commission, 2010). Previous literature specifically focused attention to general quality of care, but recently there has been a call for a more comprehensive approach to measuring quality in the perinatal care setting, which necessitates the need for a better understanding of what is currently being offered (Collins & Draycott, 2015). Until now the literature has remained limited on the association between certain organizational factors and perinatal quality (Barragato, 2002; Colombo, 2006; Weisbrod & Schlesinger, 1986; Roomkin & Weisbrod, 1999). In this study multiple regression analysis was used to examine how organizational factors such as ownership type, healthcare provider type, organizational setting, hospital policy, and continuing lactation education influence perinatal quality of care. The full model, which included all five organizational factors, was found to be statistically significant. Additionally, having an infant feeding policy in place within the hospital setting was found to positively affect perinatal quality of care. It is inherent that hospital leaders develop and implement organizational policies that are consistent, not only with industry perinatal standards, but also claimed hospital values for care of the mother/baby dyad (Caldwell, Hayes, Bernal, & Karri, 2008; Chemers, 1997). Congruency in the development and implementation of such policies at all levels of leadership will not only positively affect the quality of perinatal care that is offered, but also create a sustainable competitive advantage that would be difficult to imitate.



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