Preferred Name

Nicole Jones

Date of Graduation

Spring 2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Audiology (AuD)


Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders


Christopher G. Clinard


There is great interest in developing clinical applications for phase-locked auditory potentials that are elicited by human speech. A common analysis of vowel-elicited responses is to analyze the envelope-following response (EFR) amplitude at the fundamental frequency (F0) of the eliciting vowel. For this study, we systematically examined the effect of modeled vowel formants on EFR amplitude. EFRs were elicited using a fundamental frequency of 103 Hz, representative of a male speaker’s fundamental frequency. Stimuli consisted of two simultaneously presented sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones with the same F0. One carrier frequency was fixed at 353 Hz, representing a first formant frequency; the carrier frequency of the other tone, representing a second formant frequency, varied across conditions. At each F0, different distances between the carrier frequencies targeted a range of cochlear phase delays (e.g., 90 to 180°). This study hypothesized that the amplitude of the EFR at the F0 of a complex sound would be affected by the cochlear travel delay related to the acoustic characteristics of the eliciting sound. The findings of this study did not show significant changes in response amplitude across stimulus conditions. Therefore, these results do not indicate that cochlear travel delay has a significant affect on envelope-following responses amplitude.



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