Preferred Name

David Hill

Date of Graduation

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)


School of Music


Eric Ruple

Mary Jean Speare


While Liszt has been recognized as central to Hungary’s place in Western music, Bartók has been credited with composing Hungary’s authentic nationalistic music. Liszt’s role in Hungarian nationalistic music and his influence on Bartók have only recently been given serious attention. Musicologists are beginning to concede that Liszt’s ‘nationalistic’ source—though a hybrid of styles—constituted a legitimate nationalistic style worthy of research. The author examines two transitional piano pieces composed by the respective composers: Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsodies and Bartók’s Fifteen Hungarian Peasant Songs. He draws attention to similarities in the genesis of the works, in the role each work played in the respective composers’ compositional development, and in compositional elements of each work. He shows through correspondence, anecdotal accounts, and the implication of various biographical facts how each of the two composers was at least partially motivated by personal patriotism. He also notes the equally strong characteristic of musical progressiveness in evidence in the works of both composers. Finally, the author compares the two piano works, referencing examples of tonal, rhythmic, and idiomatic progressiveness in each.

Included in

Musicology Commons



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