Date of Graduation

Spring 2013

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)


School of Music


Christopher Carrillo

Charles Dotas

Andrew Lankford


The purpose of this research document is to aid the trumpeter in the preparation and performance of selected compositions by Dave Douglas for the Tiny Bell Trio. This document consists of (1) stylistic analysis, which addresses Douglas’ adaptation of Balkan folk forms in his original compositions and (2) a performance guide, which includes edited scores and trumpet parts, transcriptions and analyses of Douglas’ improvisations, discussions of performance practices of the Tiny Bell Trio, and suggestions for solving the technical challenges presented by each piece. The information contained in this document is drawn from Douglas’ original manuscripts and composition sketchbooks, recorded performances by the Tiny Bell Trio, interviews with the composer, and the experience of the author in the preparation and performance of these pieces. The works included in this study—“Prolix,” “Sam Hill,” “Shards,” and “Song For My Father-in-Law”—were chosen to represent a variety of musical styles and forms within the Tiny Bell Trio repertoire.

Included in

Music Commons



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