Date of Graduation

Summer 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Educational Specialist (EdS)


Department of Graduate Psychology


Ashton Trice


Reading is a crucial skill in our society that is needed in personal growth and academic achievement; it is a prominent area of concern in our schools and students. Schools in the U.S. are experiencing a substantial increase of students whose first language is not English and/or do not speak fluent English and are known as English Language Learners (ELLs). These students are typically at risk for having problems with reading if they do not receive the proper or adequate support and intervention. Many ELL students struggle in their ability to read at a proficient level, which has multiple negative consequences such as lower academic achievement. It is important to introduce these students to strategies that can help them with reading, as well as helping cultivate in them motivation to enjoy reading. This research study presents a Dual Language reading club as a reading intervention. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Dual Language reading club and if its implementation would improve reading motivation among Latino English Language Learner (ELL) students.

This research project was a case study. Data collection was obtained from qualitative measures such as individual participant check-ins, teacher check-ins, and data gathered from the reading club itself. In addition, the Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) was utilized a pre and post measure (administered shortly before and after the intervention) to measure the participants reading progress.

The participants’ participation in a Dual Language reading club increased their reading motivation, engagement in independent reading, self-confidence as readers, and positively impacted some of these participants willingness to participate in reading discussions and instruction. In addition, the majority of these participants were found to have higher reading comprehension and reading automaticity as demonstrated by post-test scores on the Qualitative Reading Inventory test. In conclusion, this Dual Language reading club proved to be a successful form of a reading intervention that increased reading motivation among the participants and positively impacted their reading abilities.
