Inside of Quedens Lunch Billiards, New Market, Va. View of the back of the restaurant, with a pinball machine, jukebox, and tables shown.
Inside of Quedens Lunch Billiards, New Market, Va. Front view of the counter, with two men standing underneath the menu.
Roger's Restaurant, New Market, Va. Storefront view, advertising chicken, steak, and ham dinners.
Walter's Restaurant. Diagonal view from across the street.
Walter's Restaurant, storefront view.
Walter's Restaurant, storefront view. 2
Walter's Restaurant, outside view, with an ABC Dog Food truck driving in front.
Walter's Restaurant, outside view, with an ABC Dog Food truck driving in front. 2
Inside of Walter's Restaurant. View of counter with men on both sides looking towards the camera. Candy bars, cans of apple sauce, and other items can be seen for sale behind the counter.
Inside of Walter's Restaurant from a different angle.