Proceedings of the 2nd Biannual Leading Change Conference 2021 (Virtual)

LEADCC was developed as a regional interdisciplinary leadership conference as a means of giving scholars, especially emerging scholars and graduate students interested in the field of leadership an opportunity to present their research, without requiring national or international travel. As such, LEADCC aims to create an intimate (attendance capped at 150 participants) and developmental atmosphere, as well as provide faculty and student leadership scholars and practitioners across disciplines the opportunity to come together.

Browse the contents of Proceedings of the 2nd Biannual Leading Change Conference 2021 (Virtual):

Leading Change Virtual Conference 2021 Presentation Recordings and Schedule
Panel Session 1
Session 1a: Technological Advances and Considerations for Leadership
Session 1b: Leader-Follower Relations and Resources
Session 2a: Advancing Non-Profit Leadership
Session 2b: Leading in Context
Panel Session 2
Session 3a: Diversity and Inclusivity Issues
Session 3b: Strategic Change
Panel Session 3
Panel Session 4
Panel Session 5
Best Paper Finalists Session 1
Best Paper Finalists Session 2