Madison Magazine - Winter 2017
Full Issue
Table of Contents
Find your mountain
Photographer(s): Bob Adamek
Bridging the cultural divide
Writer(s): Jonathan R. Alger
Photographer(s): Daniel Hertzberg/iSPOT
The Gus Bus stops at the White House
Writer(s): Jan Gillis ('07)
Photographer(s): White House; Mike Miriello ('09M); Casey Templeton ('06)
By the Numbers
Photographer(s): Trey Secrist ('15)
Looking back to see the future
Writer(s): Judy Kirkland
Photographer(s): Mike Miriello ('09M), Diane Elliott ('00)
Dr. Gabbin will see you now'
Writer(s): Martha Graham ('03P, '08P, '12P)
Photographer(s): Mike Miriello ('09M)
Athletics Update
Writer(s): Kevin Warner ('02)
Photographer(s): Cathy Kushner ('87); Kevin Warner ('02)
Advancing a Culture of Meaning
Photographer(s): Sean McCabe
In Search of the Truth
Writer(s): Jim Heffernan ('96)
Photographer(s): Sean McCabe; Mike Miriello ('09M); Jacquelyn Martin
Park's Natural Beauty Belies Lost Culture
Writer(s): Janet Smith ('81)
Photographer(s): Mike Miriello ('09M)
Master Storyteller
Writer(s): Jim Heffernan ('96)
Photographer(s): MIke Miriello ('09M)
The Heart of The University
Writer(s): Janet Smith ('81)
Photographer(s): MIke Miriello ('09M); Tiffany Showalter; Holly Veenis
Look Deeper, Think Better
Writer(s): Jan Gillis ('07)
Photographer(s): Tiffany Showalter
Opera, Unexpected
Writer(s): Jan Gillis ('07)
Photographer(s): Tiffany Showalter
Historically Human
Writer(s): Sam Roth
Photographer(s): Stephanie Dalton Cowan; Mike Miriello ('09M)
How to think, not what to think
Writer(s): Janet Smith ('81)
Photographer(s): Tiffany Showalter; MIke Miriello ('09M)
A Bonding Experience
Writer(s): Jan Gillis ('07)
Photographer(s): Mike Miriello ('09M); Matthew Gurniak
Fostering a liberal arts education abroad
Writer(s): Sam Roth
Photographer(s): Ian Buchanan
From T-shirts to tailgates, Homecoming had it all
Writer(s): Jolie Klein
Photographer(s): Madeline Johnson; Mike Miriello ('09M); Tiffany Showalter
The Ultimate connector'
Writer(s): Martha Graham ('03P, '08P, '12P)
Photographer(s): Holly Veenis; Mike Miriello ('09M)
In the cockpit of the movie Sully
Writer(s): Dave Sanderson ('83)
Photographer(s): Dave Sanderson ('83)
Some grandparental advice
Writer(s): Tracey Kite ('16)
Photographer(s): Fradamek Media
Advocating for 'the best possible you'
Photographer(s): Mike Miriello ('09M)