Date of Graduation

Summer 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


School of Art, Design and Art History


The purposes of this study are to: (1) investigate how pre-service art teachers are prepared to implement instructional technological tools for virtual museum experiences and art lesson plans; (2) determine the impact of preparing pre-service art teachers to use instructional technological deliverables to create a virtual art museum experience for the classroom; and (3) investigate the impact of using instructional technology in art teacher lesson plans and instructional delivery. I believe pre-service teachers need specific training on how they can use technology in their art classrooms. Technology is a necessary tool for teaching creatively and can enhance an art curriculum if used correctly. My action research study includes having pre-service art education undergraduates experience existing virtual museum tours, create new virtual museum tours, and other interactive technologies to be used with their future museum experiences for their students and in their art education classrooms. I used a combination of technologies to present the methodology to these pre-service art teachers in the art education department at James Madison University. The students interacted with the technology learning objects, learn how to create them, and then actually created and shared their own learning objects. These pre-service teachers will have the potential to use the interactive museum experiences and be able to design an art curriculum that will give their students eye-opening, practical experiences.



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