Date of Graduation

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of History


Gabrielle Lanier


This thesis project attempts to establish the significance of both the town of Stokesville, Virginia as well as the town’s historic Passenger Depot. The written component of the project contains a Historic Structures Report, which documents the history of the passenger depot within the larger historic context of local and national history. The Historic Structures Report utilizes National Register Criteria to argue for the depots significance due to its association with transportation of the historic Chesapeake Western Railway and as a regionally unique example of railway architecture. The second component of the thesis is a digital exhibit that asserts the significance of the town’s history. As a town with little physically remaining, this digital exhibit seeks to bring the town of Stokesville back to life by providing public access to a history that is currently hidden away in archives and private collections.



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