"Health Services Administration/Other"



Presentations Included:

Inspiring Meaningful Community Outcomes: A Philanthropic Interdisciplinary Approach in the Promotion of Neuro-Wellness
Alexa Taylor and Chelsea Wood

Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Demographic and Disease Profile of Chronic Disease Patients at a Rural Safety Net Clinic in Virginia
Iyabo Obasanjo, William Mann, and Kendra Robinson

A Quality Improvement Plan for Integrating Behavioral Health into the Management of Chronic Pain
Renee Hart and Rebecca Sutter

Preparing Undergraduate Nurses to Practice to the Full Extent of their Education and Training: An Evidence-Based Curriculum Enhancement Plan
Gracia North

FCS Undergraduates Perceptions on Training to be Mentors of Adults with I/DD
Courtney Richard, Chante Gibbs, Lauren San Diego, Heather Colleran, and Meeshay Williams-Wheeler



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