Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Date of Graduation


Semester of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


School of Art, Design, and Art History


Dymphna de Wild

Greg Stewart

Beth Hinderliter


“How does one discover solace and belonging within these layered narratives?”

In mythology, narratives were once created to answer the incomprehensible questions of an era. These narratives unveil half-truths, customs, and convictions. K(now) W(here) is based on the experience of the artist who is Chinese and immigrated to South Africa at a young age; she elaborates the story about assimilation, authenticity, tales of her ancestral roots, and, most often, myths of identity.

The artist used narratives from Chinese mythology, collaged physically and metaphorically using tangible objects from other’s homes in combination with photography, digital media, and domestic items and assemblage and taking control of her narratives, which was also a collective narrative. In this process, the artist invited viewers to recreate and heal.

Is this me? Is this you?

How would I know?

We are nowhere

But also now here.



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