Submission Guidelines for Masters Theses, 2020-current
Electronic Theses Submission Guidelines
The Graduate School requires the submissions of theses electronically. Here is what to expect in the submission process. The more you have prepared properly before entering the submission site, the easier your submission will be.
- You will be asked to create a login using your full JMU email address, not eID
- Authors are encouraged to submit dissertation as a PDF document whenever possible.
- You will be asked to accept the licensing agreement related to electronic publishing and archiving of your document(s).
- You will be asked to select an document availability option (see Copyright and Embargo for more information)
- You will be asked to list the title of your document(s) as it appears on the title page of your document(s).
- You will need to select your college (Arts and Letters, Business, Education, Integrated Science and Engineering, Health and Behavioral Studies, Science and Mathematics, or Visual and Performing Arts).
- You will be asked to provide keywords for your work.
- You will asked to insert your abstract.
- You may insert any additional information that you think may be necessary.
For questions regarding the electronic submission of theses, please contact the JMU Graduate School