Egg Hunt on the Row
Contact Information
Cindy Chiarello entering bulk email, email sent from Lola Beste (bestelo)
The Fraternity and Sorority Life community would like to formally invite you, your families, and friends to our annual Egg Hunt on the Row! This year, it will take place on Thursday, April 18th from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm on Greek Row. Each of the sorority houses will have fun crafts and hidden eggs with candy. Campus Cookies, water, and lemonade will also be available during the event.
Parking will be available in the Champions Drive Parking Deck from 3:30 pm-6:30 pm. All regulations for JMU students, faculty and staff will remain in effect, and students attending the event are required to park in appropriate student parking lots with a JMU parking permit. Guests are prohibited from parking in specialty spaces such as Service Vehicle spaces, handicap spaces without proper permit, or expired timed spaces. They are also prohibited from parking in Fire Lanes. I encourage using our online parking map (located at ) as a resource for visitors coming to campus.
Involves Faculty, Involves Staff, Involves Students, Involves Participants External to JMU
JMU Campus Scope, Harrisonburg/Local/VA
Thursday, April 18th from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Recurring Event (Occurs on a regular basis but not continual)
Primary Focus of Program
Children/Youth, and Family
Areas of Engagement
Community Engagement
Student Organization, Event
On/Off campus
On campus