Examining Self-Reported Challenges Faced by Lawful Immigrants in the Workplace

Presenter Information

Doris BashunaFollow

Faculty Advisor Name

Dr. Oris Griffin


Department of Learning, Technology and Leadership Education



Immigration is a global phenomenon that affects every nation a cross the globe. Immigrants are people who leave their countries of birth and settle in other countries for many reasons, such as a pursuit of greater security, economic prosperity, and personal liberty. Immigrants from around the world migrate to the United States, for what many term as the “American Dream” however, for most, the journey to achieving the dream is not as close to reality as they imagined. This research examines the challenges faced by lawful immigrants in the workplace within and around the city of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. This study which employs both qualitative and quantitative data, will underline the theoretical positioning of the researcher, the congruence between methodology and methods, strategies to establish rigor, and the analytic lens through which data will be examined.

Immigrants may be hopeful of upgrading their life and that of their families and integrating into American society. The setbacks they experience might be significant although they often face trouble in the workplace. Many times immigrants have difficulties when adapting to the new culture and language. At the same time, they might have problems finding a job that fits well in their new life. According to Aycan and Berry (2018), issues associated with the enjoyment of cultural, social and economic rights are crucial for several immigrants. In many cases, they are confronted with discrimination in education, housing, social security, work and health. Racism and stereotyping, as well as perceived competition on the limited resources have been identified as the major causes of negative attitudes toward immigrants at the workplace (Steil & Vasi, 2014).

Although there is adequate literature regarding the challenges faced by immigrants in the USA, few studies have focused on problems faced by lawful immigrants at the community level and at the workplace. Since immigration is a matter of global concern and immigrants have reported facing various problems, the researcher feels that challenges at the community level and workplace needs to be addressed. There has been effort to alleviate challenges facing lawful immigrants in general. However, a lot need to be done with particular emphasis on services provided to foreign skilled professionals and business owners. This paper is an attempt to highlight the prevalent challenges faced by immigrants in the community and workplace.

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Examining Self-Reported Challenges Faced by Lawful Immigrants in the Workplace


Immigration is a global phenomenon that affects every nation a cross the globe. Immigrants are people who leave their countries of birth and settle in other countries for many reasons, such as a pursuit of greater security, economic prosperity, and personal liberty. Immigrants from around the world migrate to the United States, for what many term as the “American Dream” however, for most, the journey to achieving the dream is not as close to reality as they imagined. This research examines the challenges faced by lawful immigrants in the workplace within and around the city of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. This study which employs both qualitative and quantitative data, will underline the theoretical positioning of the researcher, the congruence between methodology and methods, strategies to establish rigor, and the analytic lens through which data will be examined.

Immigrants may be hopeful of upgrading their life and that of their families and integrating into American society. The setbacks they experience might be significant although they often face trouble in the workplace. Many times immigrants have difficulties when adapting to the new culture and language. At the same time, they might have problems finding a job that fits well in their new life. According to Aycan and Berry (2018), issues associated with the enjoyment of cultural, social and economic rights are crucial for several immigrants. In many cases, they are confronted with discrimination in education, housing, social security, work and health. Racism and stereotyping, as well as perceived competition on the limited resources have been identified as the major causes of negative attitudes toward immigrants at the workplace (Steil & Vasi, 2014).

Although there is adequate literature regarding the challenges faced by immigrants in the USA, few studies have focused on problems faced by lawful immigrants at the community level and at the workplace. Since immigration is a matter of global concern and immigrants have reported facing various problems, the researcher feels that challenges at the community level and workplace needs to be addressed. There has been effort to alleviate challenges facing lawful immigrants in general. However, a lot need to be done with particular emphasis on services provided to foreign skilled professionals and business owners. This paper is an attempt to highlight the prevalent challenges faced by immigrants in the community and workplace.