Post Chondral Defect Reconstruction and Knee Functionality: How do ACI and Mosaicplasty Compare?

Presenter Information

Kate StutzFollow
Megan HowardFollow

Faculty Advisor Name

Dr. Abby Massey


Department of Health Professions


Chondral defects significantly contribute to the overwhelming number of patients suffering from degenerative joint disease (DJD) daily. In efforts to prevent this pathology, chondral reconstruction procedures have emerged to prevent early development of this condition. Two current methods utilized include osteochondral autograft transplantation (OATs) and autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). In isolation, the effectiveness of each technique has been evaluated, however there has yet to be a definitive comparison of equivalency between the two. Through utilizing PubMed, we conducted a literature search in order to gather studies conducted directly comparing these two interventions, which we narrowed down to four studies by Bentley et. al, Horas et. al, and Dozin et. al. Despite direct comparison, the studies reported conflicting data in favor of either procedure in terms of clinical outcomes with insufficient evidence to support these claims. We recognize that these studies are statistically insignificant to answer the clinical question of effectiveness between OATS vs ACI for chondral repair, however we found it beneficial to analyze their methods in an attempt to suggest improvements regarding future research in the prevention of DJD.

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Post Chondral Defect Reconstruction and Knee Functionality: How do ACI and Mosaicplasty Compare?

Chondral defects significantly contribute to the overwhelming number of patients suffering from degenerative joint disease (DJD) daily. In efforts to prevent this pathology, chondral reconstruction procedures have emerged to prevent early development of this condition. Two current methods utilized include osteochondral autograft transplantation (OATs) and autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). In isolation, the effectiveness of each technique has been evaluated, however there has yet to be a definitive comparison of equivalency between the two. Through utilizing PubMed, we conducted a literature search in order to gather studies conducted directly comparing these two interventions, which we narrowed down to four studies by Bentley et. al, Horas et. al, and Dozin et. al. Despite direct comparison, the studies reported conflicting data in favor of either procedure in terms of clinical outcomes with insufficient evidence to support these claims. We recognize that these studies are statistically insignificant to answer the clinical question of effectiveness between OATS vs ACI for chondral repair, however we found it beneficial to analyze their methods in an attempt to suggest improvements regarding future research in the prevention of DJD.