Evaluation of Mine Risk Education in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining, GICHD


Mine Risk Education (MRE) has been implemented in Cambodia since 1993 with the aim of encouraging people to adopt mine/UXO risk avoidance behaviours to prevent mine/UXO injures. Mine Risk Education is coordinated by the MRE Unit of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) and implemented through both government and non-government service providers. Key service providers are the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC), Cambodian Red Cross (CRC), CARE, The HALO Trust, Handicap International Belguim (HIB), Mines Advisory Group (MAG), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS), National Police, Spirit of Soccer (SOS) and World Vision Cambodia. Initial activities in the immediate post conflict phase, were primarily message based and focused on providing awareness and knowledge of the mine/UXO threat to returnees. Information was usually disseminated through the mass media and mobile teams promoting awareness of the different types of mines/UXO, the danger they posed, and the steps that could be taken to avoid or minimize the risk of accident.