The Global Conventional Weapons Destruction (CWD) Repository was established by the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at James Madison University in 2018 to serve as the central information archives for the global humanitarian mine action (HMA) and physical security and stockpile management (PSSM) communities. This repository includes the entirety of The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, which is also available as a stand-alone repository here. We welcome submissions from all individuals and organizations who have research, studies or documentation related to the policy, implementation, or monitoring of HMA and PSSM activities.
Submit your materials to the repository here.
Submissions from 2025
Study to Understand the Effects of Biofouling and Corrosion on Underwater Munitions: Implications for Risk Management and Resource Allocation, Center for International Stabilization and Recovery and Fenix Insight
Submissions from 2024
Advancements In Mine Action: Enhancing Remote Reporting And Analysis Through Innovative Technologies, Rory Collins, Lionel Fragniere, and Mateo Dulce Rubio
Angola: Hidden Danger, Sean Sutton
An Interview With Harry “Murf” McCloy, Harry (Murf) McCloy
An Interview With John Stevens, John Stevens
Basic Identification of Ammunition in Ukraine Guide: Version 6.0, Senior Lieutenant Perederii, Tony Salvo, and Drew Prater
Dealing with Hidden Danger: Capacity Development of Lao PDR’s Unexploded Ordnance Sector, Kiengkay Ounmany
Emergency Explosive Ordnance Risk Education: Lessons Learned from Ukraine, Nick Vovk
Greening Mine Action in Armenia as a Component of Sustainable Development in the Economy of the Country, Vaghinak Sargsyan
Inclusive Data Mangement: Reporting, Storing, and Sharing of Information on Beneficiaries in the Mine Action Sector, Maysa Hajjaj PhD; Lauren Burrows; Teia Rogers; Natalia Lozano, PhD; Sarah Kamal Elias; and Samban Seng
Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions, Danielle Payne, Camille Wallen, and Chris Loughran
Local is Possible: An Analysis of HMA Localization Efforts and a Proposed Pathway for Future Projects, Mark Wilkinson Ph.D., Lisa Mueller-Dormann, Camilla Roberti, and Lene Rasmussen
Localization in Mine Action: Where the Possible Meets the Necessary, Markus Schindler
No Silver Bullet: Environment and Climate Funding in Mine Action, Christelle Mestre
Phase II Testing Of UAV/Sensor Systems For Humanitarian Mine Action In Ukraine, Edward Crowther and Natalia Shepel
Preventing Arms Diversion in Wartime Ukraine: A Brief Overview, Olena Kryzhanivska Ph.D.
Securing Land to Contribute to Food Systems: Preliminary Findings on Humanitarian Mine Action Cumulative Effects on Food Security in Lebanon, Riccardo Labianco Ph.D. and Myriam Rabbath
Studying the Effects of Aging on Ammunition Under Water, Nicole Neitzey and Colin King
Surveying Eighty-Year-Old Battlefields in Solomon Islands, Simon Conway
The Detection Problem: An Eight-Decade Challenge: The Difficulty of Practically Detecting and Discriminating Mines, Booby Traps, and Victim Operated Improvised Explosive Devices, Roly Evans, Tracey Temple PhD, and Liz Nelson
The Explosive Weapons Trauma Care Collective (Extracct): A Roadmap For Reducing Preventable Death Among Civilian Casualties Of Explosive Injury, Hannah Wild, Aparna Cheran, Abby Willging, Christelle Loupforest, Sebastian Kasack, Tim Gargan, Barclay T. Stewart, and Adam Kushner
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, CISR JMU
The Mine Action Trauma Care Collaborative: Enhancing Coordination Between Humanitarian Mine Action and the Emergency Health Response to Civilian Casualties of Explosive Ordnance, Hannah Wild, Christelle Loupforest, Loren Persi, Elke Hottentot, Sebastian Kasack, Firoz Alizada, International Blast Injury Research Network (IBIRN), Adam Kushner, and Barclay T. Stewart
The Prioritization of Survey Through Open-Source Research in Ukraine, Anda Riza and Andro Mathewson
To Walk the Earth in Safety 23rd Edition (FY2023), CISR JMU
What Can Artificial Intelligence Offer Humanitarian Mine Action?, Russell Gasser Ph.D.
Working to Prevent and Reduce the Impact of Armed Violence in Coastal West Africa, Clément Meynier
Submissions from 2023
Ammunition Identification Guide for Ukraine: A Collaborative Project Amidst War (Ukrainian Edition), Lieutenant Perederii, Tony Salvo, and Drew Prater
An Accessible Seeded Field for Humanitarian Mine Action Research, Jasper Baur, Gabriel Steinberg, John Frucci, and Anthony Brinkley
Computer Vision Detection of Explosive Ordnance: A High-Performance 9N235/9N210 Cluster Submunition Detector, Adam Harvey and Emile LeBrun
Department of State's Quick Reaction Force: Twenty-Three Years of Service, Charlie Holloway
Empowering Host Nation Counter-IED and Counter-Insurgency Efforts: Innovative Application of Ordnance Recycling, Lynna Banach, Commodore Roy Vincent T. Trinidad, and Captain Julien B. Dolor
Environmental Mainstreaming in Mine Action: A Case Study of Moving Beyond "Do No Harm", Emily Chrystie
Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming in Mine Action: Where Are We in Colombia?, Salomé Valencia Aguirre MD, Angela Desantis PhD, Sandra Salas-Quijano, Sebastián Tovar Jaramillo, and Liliana Dulca-Amaya PhD
Guide to the Ageing of Explosive Ordnance in the Environment, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
How UAV LIDAR Imaging Can Locate and Map Minefield Features: Cuito Cuanavale, Angola, Katherine James, Gert Riemersma, and Pedro Pacheco
IMAS: An Overview of New and Amended Standards, Abigail Hartley, Lionel Pechera, and Sasha Logie
IMAS Levels of EOD & IEDD Qualifications, Drew Prater
Inspiring the Next Generation of Humanitarian Mine Action Researchers, Madison Tuohy, Eva Greenspan, Sofia Fasullo, Jasper Baur, Gabriel Steinberg, Linda Zheng, Alex Nikulin PhD, Garrett M. Clayton PhD, and Timothy de Smet PhD
Integrated Cooperation in Implementing Firearm Deactivation Capabilities: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colonel Geir P. Novik
Land-Grabbing, Tribal Conflict, and Settler-Nomad Disputes: Land Rights in Mine Action, Nicholas Ross
MAG Emergency Response: Digital Explosive Ordnance Risk Education in Somalia, Robin Toal
Mine Action and Food Security: The Complexities of Clearing Ukraine's Agricultural Lands, Markus Schindler and Anthony Connell
Mine Action and South-South Cooperation: Case of JICA and CMAC, Hayashi Ontoku Akihito
Mine Action and the Triple Nexus, Markus Schindler
Mine Action in Lebanon: Innovation, Learning, and Finishing the Job, Mark Wilkinson PhD
Mine Action in Support of Yemen's Peace Process, Josh Ridley
Mine Mark Digital EORE: Being Innovative as a Small NGO in the Mine Action Sector, Nils Hegel and Jonathan Walsh
Reviving Old Mosul: 3D Modeling Aids Safe Clearance in Iraq, Erin Atkinson, Marc Dennehy, and Craig Locke
Safer Stockpiles: Developing Regional PSSM Instructor Cadres, David Häfner and Joseph Farha
The Bigger Picture: Considerations Toward the Sustainable Localization of Mine Action, Mark Wilkinson Ph.D., Albert Schevey, and Ahmed Al Zubaidi PhD
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 27.1 (2023)
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 27.2 (2023), The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 27.3 (2023), CISR JMU
The Road Ahead: Clearance Toward Sustainability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sean Sutton
To Walk the Earth in Safety 22nd edition (FY2022), US DOS PM/WRA
When a Safety Measure Becomes a Risk Accelerant: Removing the Option to Blast-in-Place When Clearing Explosive Remnants of War, Lieutenant Colonel Geir P. Novik
Submissions from 2022
A Brief History of Mine Detection Dogs, Roly Evans
Clear then Grow: Integrating Mine Action with Food Security in Northeast Syria, Katarina Cvikl Balić
Explosive Weapons Use and the Environmental Consequences: Mapping Environmental Incidents in Ukraine, Linsey Cottrell; Eoghan Darbyshire, PhD; and Kristin Holme Obrestad
Gender and Operational Efficiency, Raphaela Lark, David Hewitson, and Dominic Wolsey
How Can Mine Action Improve the Management of Free from Explosive (FFE) Items?, Roly Evans
Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD) Operator Search, Daniel Carter
Mapping Unexploded Ordnance in Syria: Harnessing the Power of Open-Source Information, Hampton Stall, Jennifer Hudson, Evan Leendertse, Hari Prasad, Chris McNaboe, Rana Shabb, and Jonathan Robinson
Open-Source Research and Mapping of Explosive Ordnance Contamination in Ukraine, Andro Mathewson
The Deadly Legacy of World War II in Alaska, Kenneth Rutherford
The Evolution of Physical Security and Stockpile Management: A Successful Implementing Partnership Perspective, Lee Moroney and Mark Veneris
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Issue 25.3 (2023), CISR JMU
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 26.1 & 26.2 (2022), CISR JOURNAL
The Time Has Come for Digital Explosive Ordnance Risk Education, Robin Toal
TNMAC's Victim Assistance Activities: The Mental Health Aspect of Survivors and HMA Personnel, Reykhan Muminova, MD, PhD and Muhabbat Ibrohimzoda, PhD
To Walk the Earth in Safety 21st Edition (CY2021), US DOS PM/WRA
Ukraine: Through the Eyes of the People, Sean Sutton
Submissions from 2021
Accident Response to Mitigate Risk: A Call to Action, Lillian Gates
An Innovative Approach to the Mental Health Needs of Humanitarian Mine Action Personnel, Ken Falke; Bret A. Moore Psy.D., ABPP; and Richard Tedeschi, Ph.D.
A Note from the Interim Director, Suzanne Fiederlein Ph.D.
Applying "All Reasonable Effort" in the Falkland Islands Mine Clearance Programme: Encouraging Efficient, Confident, and Timely Evidence-Based Land Release Decision Making, David Hewitson and Guy Marot
A Pressing Need: Decades of Agreement, Few Results on Arms Record-Keeping, Philip Alpers
Assisting Landmine Survivors in Yemen, Elise Becker and Tamara Klingsheim
A Virtual Reality Application for the Training of Deminers, Lynn Al Khansa, Elias Bou Saada, Rachid Maalouf, Mohammed Al-Husseini Ph.D., Ali El-Hajj Ph.D., Mohammed Baydoun Ph.D., and Hassan Ghaziri Ph.D.
Barrier Analysis and Explosive Ordnance Risk Education, Kim Fletcher and India McGrath
Clearing the Mines 2021, Mine Action Review
Climate Change and Extreme Weather: How Can Mine Action Programs Adapt to Our Changing Environment?, Linsey Cottrell and Carlie Stowe
Data-Driven Decision-Making in Southeast Asia, Mikael Bold and David Avenell
Developing National Landmine Clearance Capacity in Ukraine, Tobias Hewitt and Ronan Shenhav
Digital Rehabilitation Technologies Deliver Hope for Survivors, Abder Banoune
Exploratory Study on the Current Limitations of Personal Protective Equipment and the Potential for Innovation, Kyaw Lin Htut
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education in Ukraine During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Anonymous n/a
First Steps to Limiting Conflict Pollution in Central Vietnam, Allan R. Vosburgh
GICHD: Reducing Risk from Explosive Ordnance Making Communi, GICHD
Guiding Principles for Victim Assistance, ICBL-CMC
Hidden Crisis in Borno State, Sean Sutton
How to Implement Drones and Machine Learning to Reduce Time, Costs, and Dangers Associated with Landmine Detection, Jasper Baur, Gabriel Steinberg, Alex Nikulin Ph.D., Kenneth Chiu Ph.D., and Timothy de Smet Ph.D.
Impact Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic on Humanitarian Demining in Colombia, Salomé Valencia Aguirre, Angela De Santis Ph.D., and Sebastián Tovar Jaramillo
Innovative Finance for Mine Action, Camille Wallen, Peter Nicholas, and Anna von Griesheim
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Land Release and Stockpile Destruction Operations—Notes on a New Technical Note for Mine Action, Roly Evans and David Hewitson
Landmine Clearance and Socioeconomic Development: A Study in Colombia, Oliver Ford, Amazia Zargarian, and Eric Keefer
Letter from the Editor: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Celebrates 25 Years!, Steven Costner