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Publication Date



DDAS, 2007, Lebanon, missed mine, M77, submunition


On 03 April 2007, one M-77 Submunition was located by a local farmer while harvesting his orange orchard and banana plantation, in the vicinity of Task CBU-203, which had been completed by [Demining group] using sub-surface Battle Area Clearance (BAC) procedures. The farmer reported the find to [Name removed], MACC SL Community Liaison Assistant. After meeting with the farmer and confirming the information, the item was marked, photographed and the farmer was requested to remain outside the orchard pending further investigation. The incident was reported to [Name removed], MACC SL Operations Officer who, together with Capt [Name removed], LAF Operations Officer, was conducting Accreditation of [Demining group] BAC personnel in the area at the time.



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