Volume 22, Issue 2 (2018) The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction
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Life-Cycle Management of Ammunition: Safety, Security, and Sustainability
Jovana Carapic, Eric J. Deschambault, Paul Holtom, and Benjamin King
Increasing Efforts in SSMA: What Does it Take?
Ursign Hofmann, Samuel Paunila, and Katherine Prizeman
Shattered Lives and Bodies: Recovery of Survivors of Improvised Explosive Devices and Explosive Remnants of War in Northeast Syria
Médecins Sans Frontières
Sepon Supports UXO Clearance in Laos
Saman Aneka and Micheal Valent
The Hybrid Thermal Lance: A Promising New Technique for the Destruction of Landmines and UXO by Deflagration
Donald Pratt and Nick Torbet