Volume 22, Issue 3 (2018) The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction
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Issue 22.3 Message from the Director
Ken Rutherford
Landmine Free 2025: A Shared Responsibility
Camille Wallen and Chris Loughran
The Added Value of Integrating UAVS Into the HMA Toolkit
Shathel Fahs and Greg Crowther
Enhancing Humanitarian Mine Action in Angola with High-Resolution UAS IM
Inna Cruz, Luan Jaupi, Shadrack Kassanga Njamba Sequesseque, and Olivier Cottray
Drones Supporting Mine Clearance in Northern Sri Lanka
Oliver Gerard-Pearse
The Effects of ERW Contamination in Sri Lanka
Jennifer Dathan
Opportunities for Regional Training and Information Exchange Reap Benefits for Central Asia
Paige Ober, Nazira Shozodaeva, Tahmina Akhmedova, and Suzanne Fiederlein
Demining the Tajik-Uzbek Border: What Have We Learned from the Tajik Experience?
Henrique Garbino and Erkin Huseinov
Drones and "Butterflies": A Low-Cost UAV System for Rapid Detection and Identification of Unconventional Minefields
Timothy deSmet, Alex Nikulin, William Frazer, Jasper Baur, Jacob Abramowitz, Daniel Finan, Sean Denara, Nicholas Aglietti, and Gabriel Campos
Endnotes Issue 22.3