Volume 25, Issue 3 (2022) The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction
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A Note from the Interim Director
Suzanne Fiederlein
Ukraine: Coordinating the Reponse
Greg Crowther
The Recovery of Human Remains in Weapon-Contaminated Settings: Towards Guidance for the Mine Action Community
Lou Maresca; Chris Poole; and Jane Taylor, PhD
Integrating Humanitarian Mine Action and Humanitarian Forensic Action
Lauren Cobham, Nicholas Márquez-Grant, Mike Harris, Caroline Barker, César Sanabrina Medina, Javier Naranjo-Santana, and Gareth Collett
Missed Opportunities: A Chance to Develop Synergy Between Humanitarian Mine Action and Humanitarian Forensic Action
Patrick Nowak
Mine Action and the Reintegration of Former Combatants: Expanding the Debate
Laurie Druelle, Henrique Garbino, and Eric Mellado Åhlin
TNMAC's Victim Assistance Activities: The Mental Health Aspect of Survivors and HMA Personnel
Reykhan Muminova, MD, PhD and Muhabbat Ibrohimzoda, PhD
New Conventional EOD and IEDD Competency Standards for Mine Action: Notes on T&EP 0930, 0931, and IMAS 0930
Roly Evans and Dan Perkins
Environmental Soil Sampling and Analysis: Application in Supporting Sustainable Land Use Practices in Areas Impacted by Explosive Ordnance
Bui Doan Bach, Kimberly McCosker, and Linsey Cottrell
Proof: How TIR Imaging Can Locate Buried Cluster Munitions in the Iraqi Desert
John Fardoulis, Xavier Depreytere, and Jonathon Guthrie
Endnotes, Issue 25.3