Volume 5, Issue 2 (2001) The Journal of Mine Action
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Organization of American States Mine Action Program
Jaime Perales and Carl Case
The Clearest Sense of Danger?
Frank Zurita Hernandez
Demining in Suriname
A. Edgardo C. Reis
This Hard Land: A Renewal of Humanitarian Mine Action in El Salvador
Graeme R. Goldsworthy and Frank Faulkner
UNICEF in Latin America
Training the Trainers in Community-Based Rehabilitation
John Paterson and William Boyce
Landmines in the Sand: The Falkland Islands
Juan Carlos Ruan and Jill Macheme
Interview with an Amateur Deminer, Nicaragua 2001
Russell Gasser
AICMA: Helping Central America
Organization of American States
Victim Assistance in Central America: A Regional Effort
Juan Carlos Ruan
UXO in Panama
Victim Assistance in Central America: IGOs, NGOs and Governments Team Up
Suzanne Fiederlein
Field Trip With MARMINCA
Margaret S. Busé
Helping Guatemala: Organization of American States, Unit for the Promotion of Democracy, Mine Action Program in Central America (AIMCA)
William McDonough and Carl Case
Stories From Ocotal
José Ramón Zepeda
Inner Workings of the OAS
Quantum Magnetics Targets Landmine Explosives Using Quadrupole Resonance
Caroleen L. Williams, Peter Czipott, and Lowell Burnett
The Development of the Spatial Information Clearinghouse in Support of Humanitarian Demining
Helmut Kraenzle and Gina Beale
FIXOR: A New Approach to Neutralizing Landmines and UXO
C.J. (John) Anderson and A.W. (Bill) Bauer
The Southern African Development Community’s Technical Advisors Course
Salomon Schreuder and Kevin Bolton
Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD
Paddy Blagden
U.S. Humanitarian Demining in Latin America
Stacy L. Smith
Roots of Peace: Turning Mines into Vines
Stacy L. Smith
The Necessity of Implementing a Public-Health Approach to Humanitarian Demining
Daniel Wolf and Steven Barmazel
AUSTCARE, Assisting Mine-Affected Communities
Stacy L. Smith
Costa Rica
Country Profile
El Salvador
Country Profile
Falklands, Malvinas
Country Profile