Volume 8, Issue 2 (2004) The Journal of Mine Action
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U.S. Humanitarian Demining Research and Development Program Provides "Reach-In" Technology
Chris Wanner
The GICHD Regional Support Centre: An Approach to Regional Information Management
Simon Berger and Alan Arnold
MARMINCA's Experience: Coordinating Humanitarian Demining
Luiz Felipe Ramos Gonzalez
Beyond Mine Removal
Juan Carlos Ruan
Unsung Heroes in Latin America
Jennette Townsend
Colombia: Mine Action and Armed Conflict
Eric Filippino
From Desperation to Self-Confidence: An Interview With Landmine Survivor Mr. Francisco Peralta
Juan Carlos Ruan
Comprehensive Action Against Landmines in Ecuador
Guillermo Leal
The Process of Demining and Destroying UXO in Guatemala
Guillermo Pacheco
Community-Based Rehabilitation Program Design and Implementation in Central America
Michael Lundquist
An Interview With Mine Awareness Expert Mr. Porfirio Gomez
Juan Carlos Ruan
Landmine and UXO Safety: The “Duty of Care”
Sebastian Kasack
A Civilian-Military Relationship: VVAF Support to HDTC
Joseph M. Donahue and Rodney Robideau
Red Rocks and Green Grapes
Jed Harris
The National Demining Office in Lebanon, 1998–2004
George Massaad, Salim Raad, Kassem Jammoul, and Chip Bowness
Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD
Ian Mansfield
Mine Risk Education in Kawthoolei Liberated Area: An Experiment in Creating a Program of MRE in a Non-State-Controlled Area of Burma
Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan
Non-State Actors in Nepal
Non-State Actors in Sri Lanka
Engaging Non-State Actors in the Fight Against Landmines: A Key to Negotiating Peace in Colombia
Elisabeth Reusse-Decrey
Costa Rica
Country Profile
El Salvador
Country Profile
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Country Profile
ITEP Test Trials for Detection Reliability Assessment of Metal Detectors
Christina Mueller, Mate Gaal, Martina Scharmach, Sylke Bär, A.M. Lewis, T.J. Bloodworth, Dieter Guelle, and Peter-Th Wilrich
Data Fusion for Mine Action Decision Support: An Example From Lebanon
Aldo Benini and Charles Conley
Optimising the Use of REST for Mine Detection
Ian McLean and Rebecca Sargisson
Machines Can Get the Job Done Faster
Alexander Griffiths
Working Towards a Mine-Free Hemisphere
Suzanne Fiederlein