Studies, data, country reports/region specific to Victim Assistance.
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Submissions from 2024
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, CISR JMU
To Walk the Earth in Safety 23rd Edition (FY2023), CISR JMU
The Mine Action Trauma Care Collaborative: Enhancing Coordination Between Humanitarian Mine Action and the Emergency Health Response to Civilian Casualties of Explosive Ordnance, Hannah Wild, Christelle Loupforest, Loren Persi, Elke Hottentot, Sebastian Kasack, Firoz Alizada, International Blast Injury Research Network (IBIRN), Adam Kushner, and Barclay T. Stewart
Submissions from 2022
TNMAC's Victim Assistance Activities: The Mental Health Aspect of Survivors and HMA Personnel, Reykhan Muminova, MD, PhD and Muhabbat Ibrohimzoda, PhD
To Walk the Earth in Safety 21st Edition (CY2021), U.S. Department of State
Submissions from 2021
Impact Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic on Humanitarian Demining in Colombia, Salomé Valencia Aguirre, Angela De Santis Ph.D., and Sebastián Tovar Jaramillo
Digital Rehabilitation Technologies Deliver Hope for Survivors, Abder Banoune
Assisting Landmine Survivors in Yemen, Elise Becker and Tamara Klingsheim
Guiding Principles for Victim Assistance, ICBL-CMC
To Walk the Earth in Safety 20th Edition (CY2020), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2020
AP Mine Ban Convention 2020 Intercessional Meeting: Committee on Victim Assistance Observations, APMBC
Community-Based Inclusive Development: Integrating Survivors into a Broader Victim Assistance System, Bernard Franck, Donna Koolmees, and Sarah French
Death Sentence to Civilians: The Long-Term Impact of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas in Yemen, HI
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Issue 24.2 (2020), CISR JMU
The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 23.3 (2020), CISR JOURNAL
Assessing Ukraine's Victim Assistance Capacities, Kateryna Mashchenko, Tetiana Shymanchuk, Oleh Stoiev, and Nick Vovk
To Walk the Earth in Safety 19th Edition (CY2019), US DOS PM/WRA
Explosive Ordnance Victims and Risk Education: Lessons Learned from Colombia 2012-2019, Salomé Valencia, Angela Desantis, Matt Wilson, Sebastián Tovar Jaramillo, Angela Patricia Cortés Sánchez, and Ana Jaquelin Jaimes Alfonso
Submissions from 2019
Mineland, The Endless War: A Photo Essay, Rocco Rorandelli
Iraq: A Photo Essay, Sean Sutton
To Walk the Earth in Safety 18th Edition (CY 2018), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2018
Shattered Lives and Bodies: Recovery of Survivors of Improvised Explosive Devices and Explosive Remnants of War in Northeast Syria, Médecins Sans Frontières
Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action | Powerful linkages for progress across the SDGs, GICHD, Laura Biscaglia, Vanessa Gomes Sampaio, Ursign Hoffman, and Marion Provencher Langlois
The Reduction of Weapons-Related Violence: A Global Approach to Saving Lives, HI
To Walk the Earth in Safety 17th Edition (CY2017), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2017
Victim Assistance in Cambodia The Human Face of Survivors and their Needs for Assistance, HI
Catholic Relief Services: Information and Communication Technology in Monitoring and Evaluation, Nguyen Tuan Phong and Ta Thi Hai Yen
To Walk the Earth in Safety 17th edition (CY2017), US DOS PM/WRA
Epidemiological Study of Landmines/ ERW Accidents and Victims in Kachin, Kayah, and Shan States, Burma, Julien Zwang and Pascal Simon
Submissions from 2016
Victim Assistance in the Context of the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas, HI
Emerging Patterns of ERW Injuries in Laos, Stacey Pizzino, Colette McInerney, and Jo Durham
The United Nations Policy on Victim Assistance in Mine Action, UNMAS
To Walk the Earth in Safety 16th edition (CY2016), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2015
Community Safety, Livelihoods and Socio-Economic Development: Karamoja, Uganda, GICHD
The Journal of ERW and Mine Action Issue 19.3 (2015), CISR JOURNAL
Healing and Reconciliation for Survivors of War in North Central Colombia, Cameron Macauley
Building Capacity to Promote the Rights of People with Disabilities in Vietnam, Cameron Macauley and Heather Holsinger
Caught in the Crossfire: Challenges to Providing Victim Assistance in Colombia, Michelle Miller
Providing Integrated Peer-support Assistance to Landmine Survivors, Amir Mujanovic
Solutions for Increasing Physical Accessibility, Capacity Building and Psychological Support in Tajikistan, Reykhan Muminova
Evolution of Disability Rights in Iraq, Ken Rutherford and Megan Hinton
Project Renew’s Prosthetics and Orthotics Mobile Outreach Program, Dang Quang Toan
Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Empowerment and Inclusion Division: Leahy War Victims Fund, USAID-Leahy
To Walk the Earth in Safety 14th edition (FY2014), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2014
Guide to Mine Action 2014, GICHD
Bombs Under the Rubble: Study of Awareness of Explosive Remnants of War Among the Population of Gaza, HI
Disability Rights in Laos, Megan Hinton and Ken Rutherford
To Walk the Earth in Safety 13th edition (FY2013), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2013
Survivors Promote Victim Assistance and Disability Rights, Megan Burke and Loren Persi
The New IMSMA and Victim Assistance, Angela Desantis and Daniel Eriksson
Masculinity: The Unseen Barrier in Survivor Assistance, Anne-Sophie Duprat and Lusia Pecak
Securing Health Care Rights for Survivors: Developing an Evidence Base to Inform Policy, Jo Durham
Adapting Survivor Assistance to the Needs of Child Survivors, Ayda Eke
Survivor Success Story: Mezgebu Abiyu Tesfaye, Bekele Gonfa
Landmine Injuries and Human Rights: The Terminology of Victims and Survivors, Cameron Macauley
Women After the Rwandan Genocide: Making the Most of Survival, Cameron Macauley
Aiding Survivors of the Syrian Crisis, Elizabeth MacNairn and Molly Feltner
Association for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in Quang Binh, Vietnam, Nguyên Thị Thúy Nga
Mass Fitting for Amputees in Tam Ky, Ken Rutherford
The Power of Peers: Rethinking Victim Assistance, Ken Rutherford and Cameron Macauley
Rehabilitation for Gazan Children and Young Adults, Nataša Uršič and Goran Gačnik
Programs for Vulnerable Populations Leahy War Victims Fund, USAID-Leahy
To Walk the Earth in Safety 12th Edition (FY2012), US DOS PM/WRA
Post-conflict Recovery: Gender and Age Issues, Stella Salvagni Varó and Ciro Hamo
Submissions from 2012
Victim Assistance and Disability Rights: Beyond the Rhetoric, Sheree Bailey
Land Rights and Mine Action in Afghanistan: Frequently Asked Questions, GICHD
Canadian Scientist Receives Grant to Continue Developing Innovative, Low-cost Prosthetic, CISR JOURNAL
Healing the Wounds of War: Victim Assistance in Post-conflict Burundi, Cameron Macauley
Peer-support Training for Nonliterate and Semiliterate Female Ex-combatants: Experience in Burundi, Cameron Macauley, Monica Onyango, and Eric Niragira
Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities in Tajikistan, Reykhan Muminova
Peer Programs Across Disability Groups: A Partnership for Human Rights, Sam Nickels
Providing Safe Drinking Water in Post-Civil War Sri Lanka, Hartmut Thoms
To Walk the Earth in Safety 11th Edition (FY2011), US DOS PM/WRA
The Development of Victim Assistance in Cambodia, Lao Veng and Sisary Kheng
Submissions from 2011
Assisting Landmine and other ERW Survivors in the Context of Disarmament, Disability and Development, APMBC
Gender-sensitive Victim Assistance, Arianna Calza Bini and Asa Massleberg
Victim Assistance for Mine/ERW Survivors and PWDs in Sudan, Boutros Hobeika
New Prosthetics Offer Hope in Sudan, Mohammad Ismail
Victim Assistance and Inclusive Livelihoods, Wanda M. Jaime
Daniel Yuval: A Survivor’s Hope, CISR JOURNAL
The Journal of ERW and Mine Action Issue 15.2 (2011), CISR JOURNAL
Victim Assistance in Peru, Theresa Kane
Peer Support and Trauma Recovery, Cameron Macauley
Peer Support and Recovery From Limb Loss in Post-conflict Settings, Cameron Macauley, Marcia Townsend, Melissa Freeman, and Brent Maxwell
Art Therapy and Sport Activities Enhance Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Reykhan Muminova
Assisting Cluster Munition Victims: A New International Standard, Markus Reiterer
Survivor Heroes Heal Lives and Landscapes Throughout the World, Ken Rutherford
Victim-Assistance History in International Humanitarian Law: From Somalia to Geneva to Laos, Ken Rutherford
Pathways to Resilience Workshop Promotes Leadership and Peer Support, Anne Stewart, Lennie Echterling, Cameron Macauley, Nicole Neitzey, and Hasan Hamdan
To Walk the Earth in Safety 10th Edition (FY2010), US DOS PM/WRA
Submissions from 2010
Jordan's National Mine Action Plan (2010-2015), National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation
Landmines and Land Rights in Conflict Affected Contexts, GICHD
Profile: Clear Path International, CISR JOURNAL
A Survivor’s Successful Story: Sadafmo, Reykhan Muminova
The Terter Regional Vocational Training Center, Nick Nwolisa
National Mine Action Strategy - Cambodia, The Royal Government of Cambodia
Peer-to-Peer Support Vital to Survivors, Ken Rutherford