Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Music and speech perception in children using sung speech: Effects of neurocognitive factors, Victoria A. André
Audiologists’ preferences in programming cochlear implants, Leanne Browning
The test-retest reliability of binaural-processing tasks at home versus a clinical environment, Logan Grace Faust
Voice Quality as a Predictor of Dysphagia, Lindsay Griffin
Auditory and somatosensory pre-pulse inhibition in mice, Anna Louthan
Subjective differences between premium and mid-level digital hearing aids, Dakota Sharp
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Objective differences between premium and mid-level digital hearing aids, Chelsea C. Barry
Distractions in hearing: Measuring impulsivity in service members with a mTBI, Kathleen Margaret Chopra
Effectiveness of high-fidelity human patient simulation in learning to manage medically-complex infants, Erin Clinard
Envelope-following responses and the effects of cochlear delay, Nicole Jones
The build-up of auditory stream segregation in adult cochlear implant users: Effect of differences in frequency and amplitude-modulation rate, Alexandria Matz
Melodic contour identification and speech recognition by school-aged children, Michael P. Morikawa
Variations in breastfeeding practices in the NICU: A mixed methods investigation, Elizabeth Emaleo Nottingham
Development of a questionnaire to assess attitudes toward hearing aids, Corinne O'Shaughnessy
The effects of an interprofessional emergent writing intervention for preschoolers, Danika L. Pfeiffer
Pupillometry as a test of infant word recognition, Amy Vinyard
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The neural representation of frequency in quiet and noise across the adult life span, Alexandra Bove
Development and deployment of a small stereo-hearing testing system: Two manuscripts, Sofia A. Ganev
The effect of workplace noise exposure on reaction time, Hollis T. Leidy
The effects of age on the perception of frequency in noise, Mary E. Scherer
Efficacy of digital otoscopy in telemedicine, Alexandra B. Short
Effect of age on ABRs in mice with EphA4 mutations, Melissa M. Teller
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The effect of auditory fatigue on reaction time in normal hearing listeners at different signal to noise ratios, Haley Athey
Prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex to obtain a psychometric function in mice, Robyn Browne
The effects of lung volume on swallowing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Teresa C. Drulia
Effect of EphA4 signaling mutations on auditory function, Michelle R. Gerringer
Release from masking: Behavioral and physiological masking level differences, Sarah L. Hodgson
Variability in clinically measured wideband acoustic immittance over time in young and old adults, Allison G. McGrath
Wideband acoustic immittance and DPOAE changes in older adults, Mandy M. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Effects of training and lung volume levels on voice onset control and cortical activation in singers, Nicholas A. Barone
Binaural listening in young and middle-aged adults: Interaural phase differences and speech-in-noise measures, Caitlin Cotter
Functional recovery: A mixed methods study of the specific variables within a post-hospital inter-disciplinary brain injury rehabilitation - residential program, Victoria Harding
Examining monaural and binaural measures of phase-locking as a function of age, Larissa M. Heckler
The effect of auditory fatigue on reaction time in normal hearing listeners, Beth I. Hulvey
Pre-pulse inhibition assessment of sound localization in mice: Methodological, functional, and genetic considerations, Megan Klingenberg
The effect of taste on swallowing function, Rachel Mulheren
Speech function in persons with Parkinson's disease: effects of environment, task and treatment, Carrie E. Rountrey
Effect of adaptive frequency lowering on phoneme identification and sound quality of music in hearing-impaired listeners, Kaitlyn A. Sabri
Training to avoid distractions, Cara E. Sanderson
Hyolaryngeal kinematics and swallow patterning in normal and disordered swallowing, Seng Mun Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Discrimination of duration differences of typically developing children and children with suspected childhood apraxia of speech, Susan B. Ingram
Effects of Eph/ephrin mutations on pre pulse inhibition in mice, Andrea Marie Liuzzo
Effects of auditory and visual distracters on acceptable background noise level in hearing-impaired listeners, Elizabeth A. Ripley
The neural representation and behavioral detection of frequency modulation, Daniel Elliott Shearer
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The effects of musical training on perception and neural representation of temporal fine structure, Verleyne Andrews-Rodgers
Quantifying head acceleration during vestibular rehabilitation, Anne Hogan
The effect of early hearing loss on Bobwhites’ responses to pure tones: A possible animal model of prelingual deafness, Bethany Leanne Magee
The effects of various modes of feedback on preferred iPod listening levels, Justine A. McDermott
Ultrasonic vocalizations in Eph/ephrin mutant mice, Bryna Rickenbach-Cline
The effects of auditory and visual distracters on the toleration of background noise in normal hearing listeners, Lauren Shastany
The acute effects of gentamycin ototoxicity on Bobwhite Quail Basilar Papilla and auditory brainstem responses, Kristie Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Perceived occlusion and comfort in receiver-in-the-ear hearing aids, Sara A. Conrad
Investigating motor training in people who stutter using fNIRs, Kristen Michelle Johnson
Headturn preference of 10-month infants for familiar and unfamiliar signs, Steven Thomas Kulsar
Do different methods of hearing aid information delivery influence knowledge acquisition?, Lindsey Ann Parr
The effects of age on the mismatch negativity response to differences in place of articulation, Meredith Robotti
Normal and Mutant Murine auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), Kristin Shearer
A comparison of vibrotactile and air puff stimulation for inducing swallowing, Kathryn Diane White
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Comparison of speech intelligibility over the telephone using a hearing aid micorphone and telecoil, Phillip K. Bond
An exploration of swallowing stimulation in the infant, Sarah Elizabeth Hegyi
Objective and subjective evaluation of wind noise reduction in digital hearing aids, Sheena Kate Jessee
Effects of speech signal type and attention on acceptable noise level in elderly, hearing-impaired listeners, Jennifer Susan Mundorff
Effect of real-ear verification on hearing aid benefit, Sarah K. Sporck
The effect of Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification on the accuracy and efficiency of ABR threshold estimation, Julie Kathleen Wheeler
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The co-development of manual and vocal activity in infants, Holly Meadowsweet Koegler