Date of Graduation

Fall 2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


School of Nursing


Erica Lewis

Rehan Qayyum


Problem: The peri-discharge period for patients can be a complex and dangerous time. A large urban academic medical center with a readmission rate approaching 16% utilizes a standardized template called a Discharge Information Form (DIF) to convey information to inpatients at the time of their discharge. The problem is a lack of individualization with a universal template such as the DIF. Moreover, the readability and literacy level of the DIF have not been previously assessed.

Methods: A random sample of DIFs was assessed for literacy level using the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test Tool. An in-person educational intervention was administered to a sample of Hospital Medicine Advanced Practice Providers with the objective of improving their understanding of DIF readability. The providers completed the Continuing Professional Development-Reaction Questionnaire before and after the educational intervention to assess clinical behavioral intentions. One-month post intervention a survey was administered to assess self-reported behavior change, and descriptive statistics were used to look for trends in these data. DIFs were also reassessed for readability, and a paired sample t-test was performed to determine if a change occurred.

Findings: After the intervention, statistically significant differences were found in the construct of social influence (p=0.040). Grade level of DIFs was significantly improved (p=0.001), readability of DIFs was nearly significantly improved (p=0.051), and the majority of providers self-reported behavior change.

Conclusion: Providers responsible for creating patient discharge information should know how to write literacy level appropriate materials. There is an opportunity to improve discharge information readability through inpatient provider education.

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Nursing Commons



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