Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


School of Nursing

Second Advisor

Deborah Kile


Colorectal cancer continues to be the second most deadly cancer in the United States, with thousands of new cases being diagnosed each year. Comprehension of bowel preparation education is an important factor in ensuring patients follow purgative and diet instructions. Inadequate bowel preparations lead to longer procedure lengths, decreased cancer screening capabilities, and decrease patient satisfaction. Audiovisual education has been shown to positively impact patient comprehension and instruction adherence, when compared to the standard written education. The goal of this quality improvement project was to implement audiovisual education and identify whether it improved bowel preparation adequacy and patient satisfaction. The rapid cycle quality improvement project took place at a 238-bed acute care hospital in Virginia. Two PDSA cycles were conducted with 121 patients post-implementation. Data collection included: demographics, bowel preparation quality score, bowel purgative, education viewing status and procedural times. Patient satisfaction data was collected from two months of post-implementation Press Ganey patient experience survey results. Data was analyzed using an unpaired t-test and Relative Percent Difference (RPD) to compare the pre-implementation data to the post-implementation. Post-implementation, the first PDSA cycle resulted in adequacy rates of 86% and the second PDSA cycle resulted in adequacy rates of 90%. The second PDSA cycle met the goal of achieving the adequacy rate of 90%. Post-implementation, the facility achieved a patient experience score of 90%, surpassing the goal of 88%. Implementing audiovisual education to supplement the current education process allowed the facility to achieve adequacy rates that meet the standard of 90% and exceed the patient experience benchmark of 88%. This project confirms that the type of education provided to colonoscopy patients pre-procedure can improve bowel preparation adequacy rates and patient experience. Adequate preparations allow for complete visualization of the colon and a thorough screening for colorectal cancer. The results will help guide current and future endoscopy practice surrounding bowel preparation education.



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