Aims & Scope
The JMU Madison Collaborative (2014) offers a framework for our students to examine ethical dilemmas from multiple perspectives. This is based on the premise that “Employers expect…college graduates…[to understand] and tackle problems within the context of economic, cultural, global, and personal challenges” (Madison Collaborative Ethical Reasoning in Action Position Statement, p. 1). This premise broadens the scope of our responsibility as Education faculty and raises questions about how to effectively integrate the framework into existing curricula given time constraints and expertise where only few faculty claim ethics as their area of specialty.
Ethical reasoning is woven into educational standards and professional practices, and therefore into our curriculum and expectations for students at the postsecondary level. With this book we hope to establish a scholarly outlet, encourage educators who have encountered ethical dilemmas in education to combine prior experience and literature review in the area of ethics, and to generate a variety of case studies for a guidebook that can then be used by faculty with their college students.