Case Level
Higher Education
Applicable Topics
Diversity, Elementary Education
The majority of teachers in America would expect to and be prepared to teach the svastika symbol in relations to Nazi Germany, Hitler, the Holocaust, and as a symbol of White supremacy groups and hatred towards anyone who is not Blonde Haired and Blue Eyed. What would happen then, if a student doodled the svastika for fun or as an art project not related to the history or social studies curriculum?
Case Keywords
Teacher Education, Cultural Diversity, Religious Diversity, English Language Learners, Linguistic Diversity, Religion, Judaism, Hinduism, Neo-Nazis, Hitler, Symbols
Applicable areas of the Eight Key Questions
Empathy, Rights, Responsibilities, Outcomes, Character
Recommended Citation
Kavanagh, K. M. (2018). Lost in Translation. Dilemmas in Education: A Casebook for Ethical Reasoning, 1 (2). Retrieved from https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/ethicalcasebook/vol1/iss2/2
Available at: https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/ethicalcasebook/vol1/iss2/2Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Elementary Education and Teaching Commons