Senior Honors Projects, 2020-current

Date of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Early, Elementary and Reading Education

Second Advisor

John Almarode

Third Advisor

Lydia Brown


The Third Teacher—a concept central to the Reggio Emilia approach to education, states the physical environment plays a vital role in learning. Early education theorists, such as Loris Malaguzzi and Maria Montessori, emphasize the idea of a prepared classroom environment; however, modern day classrooms are seemingly arranged without much intention. Because of this, current classroom spaces are not in alignment with research from past theorists, resulting in compromised student achievement. This thesis answers the question, “How can educators purposefully and practically utilize the classroom space to maximize student learning?” on the basis of lighting, seating, organization of materials, color scheme, and decor in order for educators to align the details of their classroom with past and present research.



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