International Journal of Peace Studies
![International Journal of Peace Studies](/assets/md5images/b7601b87c92d554e3d463898fba990d1.jpg)
Limited run, in honor of the memory of Dr. Terry Beitzel International Journal of Peace Studies.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 26, Number 2 (2021)
Full Issue
Table of Contents
The Political Economy of Sustainable Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland
Ireoluwatomi Oloke and Sean Byrne
The Spread of International Borders as a Prelude to the Spread of International Borders during COVID-19
David E. Toohey
Material Deprivation and Human Wealth: The Importance of the Local in Peacebuilding
Mauricio Meschoulam, Michelle Kawa, Tania Naanous, Sofía Quintanilla, Luisa Castillo, Stefany Rocha, Fernanda Águila, Armando Van Rankin, Arturo Duque, Paola Zuart, Arianne Dalma, Fernanda Baños, and Shannon Kenny
Facilitating Peace Leadership
Stan Amaladas