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There is a critical lack of diversity in leadership, particularly African-American women, across all sectors. Given that the nonprofit sector is an integral part of the social system, it makes sense to have leaders that reflect the social fabric of the United States. Diversifying the nonprofit work is an important goal, not only given underrepresentation but also because of looming population shifts. This paper builds on previous mixed methods research by the authors by adding concrete implications and action points to increase diversity and inclusion.

Start Date

18-2-2021 6:30 PM

End Date

18-2-2021 8:00 PM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.



Branche-Ford-Diversity Nonprofit.ppsx (213 kB)
Branche & Ford Presentation Slides


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Feb 18th, 6:30 PM Feb 18th, 8:00 PM

Diversity and Inclusion Toolbox: Action Items for the Nonprofit Sector

There is a critical lack of diversity in leadership, particularly African-American women, across all sectors. Given that the nonprofit sector is an integral part of the social system, it makes sense to have leaders that reflect the social fabric of the United States. Diversifying the nonprofit work is an important goal, not only given underrepresentation but also because of looming population shifts. This paper builds on previous mixed methods research by the authors by adding concrete implications and action points to increase diversity and inclusion.


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