Browse the contents of Proceedings of the Tenth Annual MadRush Conference: Best Papers, Spring 2019:
- Slashing Signs: Mary Richardson's Attack on "The Rokeby Venus" as Semioclasm
- The Living Nightmare: Deathlok and African American Slavery in Contemporary Society
- MOVE: Philadelphia's Forgotten Bombing
- Love, Sex, and Marriage in Ibn Battuta's Travels
- From Complaisance to Collaboration: Analyzing Citizens’ Motives Near Concentration and Extermination Camps During the Holocaust
- How Dumbledore Saved Europe: A Comparison of Fascist Rhetoric in European History and in the Harry Potter Franchises
- Dissent and Disruption: How Artists Redefine Museum Spaces and Audience Engagement
- Blood, Meth, and Tears: The Super Soldiers of World War II