Preferred Name
Joan Mandelson
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Date of Graduation
Spring 5-5-2016
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
<--Please Select Department-->
Jeremy Akers
Elizabeth Edwards
Christopher Womack
The Framingham risk score (FRS) was developed to determine the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the next 10 years using an individual’s age, gender, total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), smoking habits, and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Run-sprint interval training (R-SIT) has shown improvements in various health and blood markers while reducing total exercise time. To date there has not been a study that examines the effects of R-SIT and moderate intensity training (MIT) on framingham risk. The purpose of this study was to determine if a reduction of the 10-year risk of CVD (determined by Framingham CVD risk calculator), is greater in an R-SIT experimental group compared to a moderate intensity group (MIT) of sedentary prediabetic women, after a 16-week intervention. Participants were randomized into R-SIT (n=6) or MIT (n=9) groups and required to attend 3 weekly training sessions and 1 weekly Diabetes Prevention Program session for 16-weeks. During the first 4 weeks, R-SIT performed 4x30s maximal sprints on a treadmill at a self-selected speed and incline, followed by a 4-min active recovery between intervals. Intervals increased by 2 every 4 weeks. MIT walked continuously at 45-55% Heart Rate Reserve for 30-mins during the first 4 weeks, and increased by 10-mins every 4 weeks. FRS markers were measured at baseline, mid, and post intervention.
After 16-weeks of exercise training, there was a significant time by group interaction in weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Body Fat Percent (BF%). T-tests indicate MIT significantly decreased in weight (-2.60+1.32 kg), BF% (-1.58+1.54), and BMI (-2.42+1.32 kg). R-SIT significantly changed in BF% from baseline to mid (-2.33+0.72) and mid to post (+1.53+0.46), but not from baseline to post (-2.16+2.53). Additionally, there was a trend toward significant improvements in BMI (p=0.078) and lean body mass (p=0.059) (-0.85+0.06 kg/m2, +1.05+0.46 kg, respectively). Lastly, R-SIT participants also significantly decreased changes in TGs from midline to post (-23.33+17.92 mg/dL). Though FRS and Vascular Age (VA) were significantly different between groups at all three time points, there were no significant within-group changes observed
The major findings of this study were that after 16-weeks of exercise training, MIT had significant within-group decreases for weight, BMI, and BF%, while R-SIT significantly decreased BF% and increased VO2max (mLkg-1min-1). In conclusion, though previous R-SIT and HIIT studies have suggested improved body composition and cardiovascular risk factors when compared to MIT, the present study only observed significant changes in body composition and minimal changes to CVD risk factors. Additional research is needed to further understand the effects of R-SIT on blood lipid profiles and its relationship with CVD, especially in the clinical population.
Recommended Citation
Mandelson, Joan A., "A 16-week run sprint interval training does not have an effect on cardiovascular risk measured by Framingham risk score on prediabetic women" (2016). Masters Theses, 2010-2019. 113.