Date of Graduation

Spring 2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


In the past decade, e-Government has received a lot of attention from academia, policy agencies, and IT providers, all of whom attempt to assess and track the factors that lead to a successful e-Government service. I propose a top-level approach assessing e-Government in Harrisonburg as a whole, and then I explore project-level methods of design and implementation. More specifically, I identify 29 electronic services offered by the City and rank them according to a pre-defined four-stage ranking system. This assessment demonstrates that the majority of the services considered fall under the Interaction and Transaction stages (Stages 2 and 3 respectively). This organizational approach is followed by an analysis of the factors that may lead to failure and lack of use of e-Government initiatives, and how a citizen-centered design can be employed to avoid such failures. I then describe the challenges of using a citizen-centered design in e-Government based on my experiences working on the Resource Recovery Facility in Harrisonburg. Lastly, I examine future research topics that should be considered when discussing e-Government.



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