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Date of Graduation

Summer 2013

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


A successful Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) helps in contributing effectively to all spheres of sustainability namely environmental, social, cultural, and economic spheres. The objective of this study is to explore the extent of use in the EIA tool, to analyse the effectiveness of EIA throughout the entire cycle of the process focusing on the prediction and mitigation of impacts, public participation, monitoring and follow-up, and to assess the strengths and weaknesses of EIA in the Maltese Islands based on feedback from a variety of stakeholders involved in the named process, and to identify gaps and/or factors which limit effectiveness. The national EIA legislation of the Maltese Islands is valid and sound and is also in line with the European Union Directives but is weak in implementation. Notwithstanding a number of EIA strengths, there is a large number of shortcomings which unless addressed and solved blunt EIA effectiveness. These shortcomings stem from inadequate and half-hearted enforcement throughout the whole EIA process particularly in the follow-up stage which practically determines whether an EIA has reached its sustainability objectives or not.



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