Date of Graduation

Spring 5-7-2010

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


Jeffrey Tang

Mohamed Zarrugh

Michael L Deaton


Over the past three decades, electronic banking (e-banking) has witnessed rapid growth and development in some countries like the U.S. and the U.K. This growth has resulted in an increase in banks’ revenues and customers’ savings and convenience. However this is not the case in the Middle East. Although banks do offer electronic services in this region, the technology has not reached the same growth rates as in developed countries. This problem is due to the quality of services banks offer and, more importantly, the level of protection they provide to their customers. It is also related to the people’s culture and acceptance of new and modern technologies, as well as infrastructure and the current banking systems. Using dynamic hypothesis to analyze the problem, it is found that e-banking security and protection are among the factors causing much of the trouble. In order to boost customers’ confidence in adopting e-banking technologies, security issues must be resolved. One possible solution proposed is the use of advanced technologies such as biometric-authentication. Additionally, central banks must set strategies and policies to boost the development of e-banking technologies in order to reap its benefits. Developing e-banking technologies will help improve the economy and increase the convenience of banking. It will also facilitate commerce and business due to cost reduction and increase in efficiency.

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Business Commons



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