Date of Graduation

Fall 12-18-2010

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


Louis F. Cassar

Elisabeth Conrad

Maria C. Papadakis


The South Gozo Fault region features a heterogeneous landscape which extends from Ras il-Qala on the east, to „Mgarr ix-Xini‟ on the south-eastern littoral. In recent decades, parts of this region have experienced substantial levels of development while others remain untouched. This study seeks to explore the impact of existing and proposed development projects on the character and value of the South Gozo Fault landscape. A landscape character assessment, together with an assessment of the value of the landscape will be conducted, with the aim of analyzing the present character and value of the landscape, and comparing this with the likely future character and value of the landscape with increased development. The landscape was divided into six character areas and a description for each unit is provided on the basis of the 9-S approach to landscape appraisal. Perceived landscape values of the South Gozo Fault area were measured by means of a survey distributed amongst residents and non-residents of the area. An assessment of changes in character and value which may accompany further development was based on interviews with 9 „key respondents‟. In general, community perceptions of landscape value were inclined towards aesthetic, biodiversity, heritage and recreational values of the landscape. Natural landscape features were assigned the highest aesthetic, recreational, future, learning, and intrinsic and biodiversity values, but were not found to be revenue generators. There was a general agreement amongst interviewees that the area holds an adequate level of development and that further development would impair its character and value.



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