Preferred Name

Bryan Todd Ogden


Date of Graduation

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Integrated Science and Technology


Maria C. Papadakis

Jonathan J. Miles


Sustainability communication opens up a range of perspectives on the definition and theory associated with concepts of sustainability and communication. An overview of the literature dealing with sustainability communication and its measure is presented with a dialogic perspective in mind. Practical matters of the video length, production methods and design are described. The Project is evaluated with the sustainability testing rubric advanced by Polk, Reilly, Servaes, Shi and Yakupitijage. The study compares three videos of different length and environmental images through an online survey. It is hypothesized that related environmental images and a three minute video will prompt more positive affect and cognitive retention of Maltese sustainability issues than a one minute video with similar images and a one minute video with no such images and a group that views no video.



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