
About the Author

Emma Bianco is an American historian who specializes in right-wing and extreme right ideologies and organizations in the mid-20th to 21st century. Her past work has examined anti-communist and neo-Confederate groups in Orange County, California, as well as Los Angeles neo-Nazis and their significance in California racial politics. She is primarily interested in the gendered dynamics of racial extremism and white power movements; in the future, she plans to dedicate research to the role of women and feminist theories within transnational far-right programs.

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This article explores the perplexing history of self-proclaimed “Aryan homophiles:” the National Socialist League of Los Angeles. A neo-Nazi group made up of exclusively gay men, this organization’s reign from the 1970s to mid-1980s offers an atypical perspective into Southern California’s racial and political settings. Garnered from the ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives, this story showcases how far from utilizing a “paranoid style,” the NSL’s brand of hate did not stray too far from that already clearly established in the mainstream environment. The NSL forces us to challenge our preconceptions about what makes up the “typical” racial extremist.

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